I have a select
tag to which I am applying angular chosen.
This is my select
<select name="rname" id="rname" ng-model="rname" ng-init="rname='CustomReport'"
ng-options="key as value for (key , value) in reportsValuesOptions track by key" chosen>
<option value="">---Select---</option>
The above select
tag is getting populated from below object
$scope.reportsValuesOptions = {'Cash Position Report':'Cash Position Report','Detail Report':'Detail Report','Reconciliation Report':'Reconciliation Report','Summary Report':'Summary Report','Sweep Report':'Sweep Report','FCCS/FBPS Detail Report':'FCCS/FBPS Detail Report','CustomReport':'Custom Report Name'};
The object is a pair of values and options for select
tag where the key
is options tags value
and the value
is the option tag text
Now I want to set the default value of the select
tag to 'CustomReport'
as its option value
and 'Custom Report Name'
as its option text
from the above object, using ng-init
I tried doing ng-init="rname='CustomReport'"
, but it doesn't work
How to set its value from object's key value pair?
The problem with your solution is since you are giving an object and AngularJS is mostly designed for arrays it causes AngularJS not to be able to track them properly. You probably wanted to write a shorter object for reportsValueOptions
but it should be an array of objects which has a form similar to the following:
{label: 'First Label', value:'first-option'},
{label: 'Second Label', value:'second-option'}
Here is the modified version of your jsfiddle with modified object that also shows which one is selected.
You can also learn more about problems with objects here: https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngOptions#complex-models-objects-or-collections-