
Without a roadmap, can DLR be used with IronPython, assuming it will continue to be packaged in future .NET Versions

DLR or Dynamic Language Runtime hasn't seen any activity after mid 2010, still around its v1.0 release since then.

I need DLR and IronPython to run my Python code using Numpy and at the same time provide a sleek WPF User Interface.


  • First off:

    DLR or Dynamic Language Runtime hasn't seen any activity after mid 2010

    That's not... entirely accurate. The version you point to is the old codeplex version. Since then IronPython and the DLR have moved to Github. You can find it here. As you will see there have been updates to the DLR as recently as 24 days ago.


    run my Python code using Numpy and at the same time provide a sleek WPF User Interface.

    Well, the WPF bindings have been developed pretty far from personal experience. Currently Numpy is not usable with the latest IronPython. (As of Aug 2016), but there has been chat on their gitter of a move to fix it.