
Visual Studio project template with custom wizard

I'm trying to create a custom wizard in a Visual Studio project template to open a new tab loading a web page with a getting started guide for the user of the template.

I've been following this guide:

The problem I'm facing is this: screenshot of error message

This error message pops up when running the experimental instance and creating a new project using the template. I'm typing the error message here for search engines: Error: this template attempted to load component assembly 'SomeWizard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=token'. For more information on this problem and how to enable this template, please see documentation on Customizing Project Templates.

I've reproduced the error in a GitHub repo here:


  • Looking at your GitHub repo I can see a couple of issues:

    I forked your repo and refactored the code: (remember to set SomeWizard as the startup project and set the Debug settings as you explained yourself on GitHub before running it)