
What is the scancode of "Pause/Break" key?

I download "SharpKeys.exe" from here. It works well. But I want to change "Pause/Break" to another, this app cannot recognize this key correctly. Does any one know the scancode? Thx


  • Pause is a very special non-typematic key with an unusual scan code (E1 1D 45 E1 9D C5). This is too long to be remapped using SharpKeys (or any program that uses the registry to do scan code remappings, since this feature is limited to 2-byte scancodes). If you try to remap it, you'll get only the first two bytes, and end up remapping the Num Lock key instead. This breaks in all sorts of hilarious ways.

    You will need to use another program to do the remapping, perhaps something like AutoHotKey. But I'm not sure this will actually work, given how special this key is.

    It is not clear why a programmer would ever want to remap Pause/Break. This is a very useful key, one that is often painfully missing from laptop keyboards where your only option is to remap another key to Ctrl+Break (scan code E0 46). This gives you back at least part of the function of a real Pause/Break key.