I have installed a pod in podfile: pod 'TealiumIOS', '~> 5.0'
But an error occurs in runtime.
"dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/TealiumIOS.framework/TealiumIOS Referenced from: ... Reason: image not found"
I can't find the solution in any other stackoverflow posts. I'm running XCode 7.3 and I tried simulator and a real device. Pods version 1.0.1. The crash persists.
Thank you.
I had a similar problem, so probably my solution is going to be useful for you as well.
Looks to be that Tealium
pod was created just as a framework option and you are using cocoapods with the static library option. Basically you have to add the use_frameworks!
option in the podfile.
platform :ios, 8.1
target :YourTarget
pod 'TealiumIOS'
Enjoy :)