Somehow I need to confirm how htaccess expires headers works when used in the home directory as well as subdirectories.
Let's say I have this in the home directory's htaccess:
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 1 month"
Then let's say I have this in an htaccess in a /thumbnails/ subdirectory:
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 1 year"
So globally on the site, GIF images are meant to cache for a month, but for the /thumbnails/ directory, GIF images are meant to cache for a year. Am I correct in assuming that the htaccess in the /thumbnails/ directory will override the htaccess in the home directory? Or is it vice versa? Any documentation confirming as such?
Your assumption is correct. The Apache's documentation for any directive consists of a section called Context.
The precedence follow the rules base on AllowOverride
directive. If your server is configured to allow overriding for the Expires module, then the configuration from /thumbnails/
will take precedence.