I'd like to display, in my app, only a part of a web page. On this website, I'd like to display, in my app, only the div id "MovieCart".
What should I write in my as3 code in order to do so ?
For now, I have this line :
But, of course, it's displaying the fullwebpage.
So, I've tried this :
var res : String = ExternalInterface.call("function(){return document.getElementById('movieCart').outerHTML}");
var urlOfMovie: URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://www.cinecity.nc/Cinecity/Film/40567");
var loaderMovie:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
But, as it's an AIR app, ExternalInterface.call
can't be call. Any idea ?
Here is one easy way you can accomplish this:
//First, load the full page as you're currently doing:
webView.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, webLoadComplete); //listen for when the load is finished
//runs when the load finishes
function webLoadComplete(e:Event):void {
webView.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, webLoadComplete); //stop listening
//second, invoke the following Javascript on the page which assigns the `MovieCart` element as the html for the whole document body
webView.loadURL("javascript:document.body.innerHTML = document.getElementById("MovieCart").outerHTML");
Disclaimer: Keep in mind that scrapping content from websites is generally frowned upon and you may be infringing on peoples work/copyrights by doing so.