
Can I get all the studio's detail from Mindbody to my application through the MindBody API?

I am working on an app where I need to integrate the MindBody API, and I have accessed it successfully, but the problem is that I am not sure whether I can get only my studio related data or all the studio related data which are available on MindBody Website.

I have registered on MindBody website and got login credential for developer like:

username: Siteowner

password: abc

I have also downloaded sample iOS code from and inserted my credential and it's working well.

But the main thing is I want all the studio's data not only mine. So is it possible? Can I get all the studio's data through this API call? Please provide me any sources related to this confusion.



  • Everything depends on which exactly data you what to request using API.

    You should be able to get limited information of any studio using your dev credentials only, sending them as SourceCredentials in your API requests.

    You need to be granted access by the studios to get all information (available with API) for any studio, sending also UserCredentials in you API requests - these are either your developer credentials (but username is with underscore in the beggining) or the studio's staff/owner user credentials.

    More information about authentication (how to be granted access), SourceCredentials and UserCredentials is available in : Mindbodyonline documentation

    The other useful source is a list of API methods that provides an overview of each method. Normally a method that requires UserCredentials is marked with a line 'This requires a staff credentials' or similar. For example take a look at ClassService.UpdateClientVisits() documentation. Methods that aren't marked with such line should provide you information for any studio without any additional authentication except your dev credentials (SourceCredentials).