
How to change font size of label Apple Watch

I'm kind of stunned I even have to ask this question, but how is it possible to change the size of a label's text on the Apple watch? It doesn't allow changing the size in the Xcode UI, I haven't been able to do it programmatically, and the different font styles don't even change the size.


  • With UI

    To change the font, you can't use the main template (Text Styles - Body). You should change it to "System", and then try to change font size:

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    With Code

    lblSomething.setAttributedText(NSAttributedString(string: "Text Here", attributes: [NSFontAttributeName: UIFont.systemFontOfSize(20.0, weight: UIFontWeightBold)]))


    1- Instead of 20.0, you should use your own font size.

    2- Instead of UIFontWeightBold, you could use one of the following:

    enter image description here

    3- Instead of "Text Here", use your own text.

    4- Instead of lblSomething, use your label name.