Question in short: Is it possible to align text to the center in Python-pptx?
Since I'm using Python-pptx, I have been able to automate quite a lot of things and I really enjoy using it! However, I've run into a problem. I'm trying to center my text horizontally on a slide. If you don't understand me:
My text is now aligned to the left, similar to the text in the first two paragraphs. However, I'd like them to be aligned to the center, like those last two paragraphs. This is a snippet of my code:
left = Cm(3)
top = Cm(2.5)
width = Cm(15)
height = Cm(1)
txBox = slide.shapes.add_textbox(left, top, width, height)
tf = txBox.text_frame
p = tf.add_paragraph()
run = p.add_run()
run.text = "Just an example"
font = run.font
font.size = Pt(30)
I looked in the documentation, but couldn't find anything useful. I read something about "MSO_VERTICAL_ANCHOR" and "PP_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT", but I just can't get it working.
Thank you in advance!
from pptx.enum.text import PP_ALIGN
shape.paragraphs[0].alignment = PP_ALIGN.CENTER
This is taken directly from the Python pptx Docs. Does this not work for you? You said in your question that you've heard of PP_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT
but can't get it working. What problems are arising?
You can view more information regarding Python pptx alignment here.
Scanny, who commented below me added a wonderful point that will solve your problem:
Paragraph alignment (also known as justification) is a property of a paragraph and must be applied individually to each paragraph. In the code you included in your question, if you add a line p.alignment = PP_ALIGN.CENTER
you should get what you're after.