
Set a timeout for Ruby Resolv.getaddress(ip)

I can't find in the Ruby documentation anything on how to set a timeout to retrieve the IP of a domain using the class method getaddress from the Resolv class—from the Ruby std library.


  • Looking at the source code for Resolv, at line 353, I can see that there is a method named timeouts defined in the DNS class. You should be able to use this to change the timeout.

        # Sets the resolver timeouts.  This may be a single positive number
        # or an array of positive numbers representing timeouts in seconds.
        # If an array is specified, a DNS request will retry and wait for
        # each successive interval in the array until a successful response
        # is received.  Specifying +nil+ reverts to the default timeouts:
        # [ 5, second = 5 * 2 / nameserver_count, 2 * second, 4 * second ]
        # Example:
        #   dns.timeouts = 3
        def timeouts=(values)
          @config.timeouts = values