
How to convert the excel file format xls and xlsx vice versa in java

I try to change the excel file format xls and xlsx vice versa in java by using jobconveter jar in Windows OS

 File xlsFile = new File("input/test.xls");
 File xlsxFile = new File("input/FileConverted.xlsx");
 OfficeManager officeManager = new efaultOfficeManagerConfiguration().buildOfficeManager();
 OfficeDocumentConverter converter = new OfficeDocumentConverter(officeManager);
 converter.convert(xlsFile, xlsxFile);

but when I try and running the code, following error was occurred

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: officeHome not set and could not be auto-detected at

Please give me the suggestion/solution to solve this error

OR another better way to convert the excel file type in java


  • jodconverter works with Openoffice service. so you should have installed Openoffice on your machine. jodconverter automatically discover the office service and convert document via the service. if you have installed Openoffice be sure the office service up and running.