I wanted to load data to remote db using sqlldr.I did it using following command
>sqlldr GANUKA/GANUKA@jdbc:oracle:thin:@ control=D:\Work\CLSTMAS.ctl
But it gives the following error.
SQL*Loader-704: Internal error: ulconnect: OCIServerAttach [0]
ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
Need a help
You're mixing up two different worlds here. One is the OCI world where sqlldr lives. It expects Oracle instance names defined in TNSNAMES.ORA (or a similar service). The other world is the JDBC world that uses connection identifiers with words like "jdbc" or "thin".
So you have two options:
If your environment has a proper TNS setup, you have to change the command line to something like sqlldr GANUKA/GANUKA@MONTY.CORP control=...
If not, you can use an Easy Connect string: sqlldr GANUKA/GANUKA@// control=...