
Arithmetic overflow error for smalldatetime

COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(d, ClientVisit.rev_timeout, ClientVisit.signature_datetime) = 3  THEN
   CASE WHEN ClientVisit.multiple_flag = 1 
        THEN ClientVisit.rev_timein 
        ELSE ClientVisit.clientvisit_id END 



Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type smalldatetime

SQL Server is converting clientvisit_id to smalldatetime and I'm not sure why since I don't see a comparison with another datetime here. Just a count increment when the DATEDIFF returns a 3. Could someone explain why this is happening and a solution?


  • CASE in T-SQL is an expression that ultimately returns a single, atomic value. Therefore, all parts of a CASE expression should return the same datatype.

    This is not the case here! The inner CASE returns

    THEN ClientVisit.rev_timein 

    which is of datatype smalldatetime, while the ELSE part:

    ELSE ClientVisit.clientvisit_id 

    returns a value of datatype int.

    T-SQL will try to convert those values according to this data type precedence list and thus tries to convert the int to a smalldatetime and fails.

    What to learn: CASE is an expression which should return the same datatype from all it's THEN and ELSE branches ...