
How to use two sqlite database files in single iOS project with simultaneously fetch data from both Database

My requirement is to add two SQLite database files in my project. I know that is possible. But how can I access two database files simultaneously?

One more thing currently I am using FMDB to manipulate database operation.

Note : Both of my DB file sizes are near about 1GB each. so also want to know that if I use 2 DB file so is there any memory issue will occur in my application ?



  • Generally, there is rare requirement of 2 Database files in a single project specially in iOS where we have used only one DB.

    But as per your requirement, we can use multiple Database files in a single project with multiple Database instances.

    To Create 2 instance use below code for SQLite Native:

    //Create Object of DataBase
    static sqlite3 *databaseOne = nil;
    static sqlite3 *databaseTwo = nil;
    //Open Both Databases while we needed in our project 
    //Open First Database
    sqlite3_open([path UTF8String], &databaseOne);
    //Opne Second Database
    sqlite3_open([path UTF8String], &databaseTwo);
    //prepare for statement execution
    sqlite3_prepare_v2(databaseOne, [sql UTF8String], -1, &stmt, NULL)
    sqlite3_prepare_v2(databaseTwo, [sql UTF8String], -1, &stmt, NULL)

    But make sure you will not mix these 2 objects while executing.

    Note: Close both connections while your DB task is done.

    To Create 2 instance with FMDB use below code:

    //First DB
    FMDatabase *dbOne = [FMDatabase databaseWithPath:<your first DB file Path>];
    [dbOne open];
    //Do Your DB task
    [dbOne close];
    //Second DB 
    FMDatabase *dbTwo = [FMDatabase databaseWithPath:<your second DB file Path>];
    [dbTwo open];
    //Do Your Second DB task
    [dbTwo close];

    Hope this will help you.