How in nodejs can I check if the given string is a valid filesystem path without actually checking the filesystem.
I am using telegram bot nodejs api and when sending files it checks if the file exist or not. But on the second time I am using the telegram file id
that i got from the previews upload and not the actual file path to send the file, so in this case i want to check if the string is a actual file path and not a file id(exp: AgADBAADuqcxG-ysuwhqkRaOdVnJI0CZXhkABL1NBSyVlK3gduoAAgI
) before checking if file exist so to increase performance and avoid unnecessary file system access.
You could check if the string equals path.basename(string)
. Then it doesn't contain any path separators and is definitely not a file in another directory. That function doesn't touch the filesystem and only inspects the string for platform's specific directory separator, and hence suits your performance needs.
string === path.basename(string)
Another idea: if the identifiers follow a specific format, then create a regexp for the format and test each string for a match and proceed accordingly.