
Can/Should AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) be used for a whole commercial website?

I am new to AMP and wonder who it is for. For instance.

Can or should I create my home page as an AMP page.

I've heard that this is just for news publishers but the acronym states nothing of this, just Accelerated Mobile Pages, pretty general to me.

Any help welcome.


  • AMP team member here –

    If you're creating a new site that hosts a lot of static content, then the answer is yes – you can, and maybe even should.

    If you have an existing site and want an easy way to deploy AMP pages, or if you require a lot of interactivity on your sites, then going all-in on AMP might not be the right approach for the whole site.

    I've written about both approaches on my blog (posts on my blog are all AMP btw, exactly what you've been asking about). It's a great time to think about embracing AMP, now that Google is bringing AMP to organic search results.