
Chaining sweetalert2 modals

I am using sweetalert2 for validating an email address but I would like it to then display a text input for a name to be entered. I understand that it chain modals but I can't for the life of me work out how from the example given on the page?

var cloud_email = $('.cloud_email').text();
var user_name = $('.user_name').text();;
  confirmButtonText: 'Next →',
  showCancelButton: true,
  animation: false

var steps = [
    //ask for and validate email here
    type: 'question',
    title: 'Please enter email address',
    input: 'email',
    inputValue: cloud_email  
    //ask for and validate text input here
    type: 'question',
    title: 'Please enter user name',
    input: 'text',
    inputValue: user_name

swal.queue(steps).then(function(email, name) {
    type: 'success',
    html: 'Email successfully sent to: ' + name + ': '+ email
}).finally(function() {
  //ajax to process values passed

My attempt returns this error:

swal.queue(...).then(...).finally is not a function


  • To use finally() method, you should include a polyfill for Promise.prototype.finally to your page, e.g.:

    <script src=""></script>

    PS. I just added the link to Promise.prototype.finally polyfill to the example page: