
ng-repeat splice showing double

For some reason, when I splice an object into my ng-repeat array, it doubles what I splice in and hides the last object in the array.

However, if I click the toggle hide and "refresh" the ng-repeat, it shows the right data.

Does anyone know why this would be happening and what I can do to fix it?

angular.module('app', [])
  .controller('ctrl', function($scope) {
    $scope.workflow = {
      flow: [{
        "id": "1334f68db820f664",
        "step_number": 1,
        "tasks": [{
          "id": "1334f68e3f20f665"
      }, {
        "id": "134967a5ba205f5b",
        "step_number": 2,
        "tasks": [{
          "id": "134972c5b420e027"
      }, {
        "id": "1334f68e7d209ae6",
        "step_number": 3,
        "tasks": [{
          "id": "1334f68ef6209ae7"

    $scope.insertStep = function() {

      var insertStepIndex = 1,
        task_data = {
          "id": null,
          "step_number": (insertStepIndex + 2),
          "tasks": []

      //go through each item in the array
      $.each($scope.workflow.flow, function(index, step) {
        //if the step number is greater then the place you want to insert it into, increase the step numbers
        if (step.step_number > $scope.workflow.flow[insertStepIndex].step_number) step.step_number++;

      $scope.workflow.flow.splice((insertStepIndex + 1), 0, task_data);


    $scope.toggleHide = function() {
      $scope.hide = !$scope.hide;

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="ctrl">

  <div ng-click="insertStep()">Insert Step</div>
  <br />
  <br />

  <div ng-click="toggleHide()">Toggle Repeat</div>
  <br />
  <br />

  <div ng-if="!hide">
    <div ng-repeat="data in workflow.flow | orderBy:'+step_number'" ng-init="$stepIndex = workflow.flow.indexOf(data)">
      {{ workflow.flow[$stepIndex].step_number }}


  • I got the problem. This is a tricky but the simple part. The ng-init directive only execute once. So your assignment to $stepIndex = workflow.flow.indexOf(data) will not updated when you push a new data to the array/list.

    So adding a scope function will fix this problem since Angular will auto call the function when it's returning value changes.

    angular.module('app', [])
      .controller('ctrl', function($scope) {
        $scope.workflow = {
          flow: [{
            "id": "1334f68db820f664",
            "step_number": 1,
            "tasks": [{
              "id": "1334f68e3f20f665"
          }, {
            "id": "134967a5ba205f5b",
            "step_number": 2,
            "tasks": [{
              "id": "134972c5b420e027"
          }, {
            "id": "1334f68e7d209ae6",
            "step_number": 3,
            "tasks": [{
              "id": "1334f68ef6209ae7"
        $scope.insertStep = function() {
          var insertStepIndex = 1
          var task_data = {
            "id": null,
            "step_number": (insertStepIndex + 2),
            "tasks": []
          //go through each item in the array
          angular.forEach($scope.workflow.flow, function(step, index) {
            //if the step number is greater then the place you want to insert it into, increase the step numbers
            if (step.step_number > $scope.workflow.flow[insertStepIndex].step_number) step.step_number++;
          $scope.workflow.flow.splice((insertStepIndex + 1), 0, task_data);
        // This is a new function which I added to fix the problem
        $scope.getIndex = function(data) {
          return $scope.workflow.flow.indexOf(data);
        $scope.toggleHide = function() {
          $scope.hide = !$scope.hide;
    <script src="//"></script>
    <script src="//"></script>
    <div ng-app="app" ng-controller="ctrl">
      <div ng-click="insertStep()">Insert Step</div>
      <br />
      <br />
      <div ng-click="toggleHide()">Toggle Repeat</div>
      <br />
      <br />
      <div ng-if="!hide">
        <div ng-repeat="data in workflow.flow | orderBy:'+step_number'">
          {{ workflow.flow[getIndex(data)].step_number }}