
Change docstring when inheriting but leave method the same

I'm building an HTTP API and I factored out a lot of code into a superclass that handles requests to a collection of objects. In my subclass, I specify what database models the operation should work on and the superclass takes care of the rest.

This means that I don't need to re-implement the get, post, etc. methods from the superclass, however, I want to change their docstrings in the subclass so that I can have some documentation more specific to the actual model the endpoint is operating on.

What is the cleanest way to inherit the parent class's functionality but change the docstrings?


class CollectionApi(Resource):
    """Operate on a collection of something.
    class Meta(object):
        model = None
        schema = None

    def get(self):
        """Return a list of collections.
        # snip

    def post(self):
        """Create a new item in this collection.
        # snip

class ActivityListApi(CollectionApi):
    """Operations on the collection of Activities.
    class Meta(object):
        model = models.Activity
        schema = schemas.ActivitySchema

Specifically, I need ActivityListApi to have get and post run like in CollectionApi, but I want different docstrings (for automatic documentation's sake).

I can do this:

    def get(self):
        """More detailed docs
        return super(ActivityListApi, self).get()

But this seems messy.


  • class CollectionApi(Resource):
        """Operate on a collection of something.
        def _get(self):
            """actual work... lotsa techy doc here!
               the get methods only serve to have something to hang 
               their user docstrings onto
        def get(self):
            """user-intended doc for CollectionApi"""
            return self._get()
    class ActivityListApi(CollectionApi):
        def get(self):
            """user-intended doc for ActivityListApi"""
            return self._get()