I have a result set populated via ng-repeat. Now I need to do a sort of filtering. I tried using ng-filter to filter out search results. Use Case : User can enter multiple merchantIds each comma separated(or any other preffered machanism). And the result set populated corresponds to the merchantIds the user entered. How currently works : Search works well when searching single merchantId. For example when user types merchantId, this list downs all merchants that starts with merchantId. When the input value is merchantId_1, the result is only related to merchantId_1. What I need is the user should be given the capability of typing merchantId_1, merchantId_2 (each comma seperated) and list down the result corresponds to both merchantIds.
What is the feasible way of achieving this using Angular.
I made a plunker that achieves what you were aiming for.
<input ng-model="searchText" />
<div ng-repeat="merchant in merchants | merchantFilter:searchText">
angular.module('app', [])
.controller('testController', function($scope) {
$scope.merchants = ['merchant_1', 'merchant_2', 'merchant_3']
.filter('merchantFilter', function() {
return function(merchants, searchText) {
// If there's no input, return full list
if (!searchText) return merchants;
// Split and trim the search string
var searchTerms = searchText.split(',');
searchTerms = searchTerms.map(function(term) {
return term.trim();
// Filter and return merchants matching any search term
var returnedArray = [];
_.forEach(merchants, function(merchant) {
if (_.find(searchTerms, function(term) {
return merchant.indexOf(term) > -1;
})) {
return returnedArray;