
Facebook Login Error When Facebook App Is Installed On Device

I am suffering with Facebook login issue in my android app. If there is no Facebook app installed on android device or I use an emulator, Facebook login works properly. But if Facebook app is installed on Mobile than it gave an error.

Error in facebook lite app

Error in Facebook lite

Error in facebook app

enter image description here

I am using 2 different mobile and both gave same error. I followed this SO question : Android Facebook sample app doesn't login when FB app installed. With this SO Question I understood that this error arise after Generating signed apk in android studio. So I used signed Keystore (.jks) to generate new Key Hash. After generating new key hash I added this in facebook app>Settings>Basic But Still getting same error in Both mobiles. How can I fix this error. Thanks in advance.


  • No need to use android as your password, use that password that created during genrating signed apk