I have the number of columns equals the number of rows. And the the diagonal is is equal to zero. How can I build this matrix?
# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
#[1,] 0 NA NA NA
#[2,] 1 0 NA NA
#[3,] 2 4 0 NA
#[4,] 3 5 6 0
I tried this
4x4 Array{Float64,2}:
0.60064 0.917443 0.561744 0.135717
0.106728 0.72391 0.0894174 0.0656103
0.410262 0.953857 0.844697 0.0375045
0.476771 0.778106 0.469514 0.398846
4x4 LowerTriangular{Float64,Array{Float64,2}}:
0.60064 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.106728 0.72391 0.0 0.0
0.410262 0.953857 0.844697 0.0
0.476771 0.778106 0.469514 0.398846
but l'm looking for something like this
4x4 LowerTriangular{Float64,Array{Float64,2}}:
0.0 NA NA NA
0.106728 0.0 NA NA
0.410262 0.953857 0.0 NA
0.476771 0.778106 0.469514 0
The diagonal should be equal to zero.
Here is something taking inspiration from Code by Stefan Karpinski on the Julia User's list:
function vec2ltri_alt{T}(v::AbstractVector{T}, z::T=zero(T))
n = length(v)
v1 = vcat(0,v)
s = round(Int,(sqrt(8n+1)-1)/2)
s*(s+1)/2 == n || error("vec2utri: length of vector is not triangular")
[ i>j ? v1[round(Int, j*(j-1)/2+i)] : (i == j ? z : NaN) for i=1:s, j=1:s ]
julia> vec2ltri_alt(collect(1:6))
4x4 Array{Any,2}:
0 NaN NaN NaN
1 0 NaN NaN
2 3 0 NaN
3 4 6 0
Note: If desired, check out the official documentation on the ternary operator for a bit more clarity on what is going on with the ? ... :
syntax here.
For those looking for a more "standard" diagonal matrix solution:
Here is a version that creates a more standard solution:
function vec2ltri{T}(v::AbstractVector{T}, z::T=zero(T))
n = length(v)
s = round(Int,(sqrt(8n+1)-1)/2)
s*(s+1)/2 == n || error("vec2utri: length of vector is not triangular")
[ i>=j ? v[round(Int, j*(j-1)/2+i)] : z for i=1:s, j=1:s ]
a = vec2ltri(collect(1:6))
julia> a = vec2ltri(collect(1:6))
3x3 Array{Int64,2}:
1 0 0
2 3 0
3 4 6
julia> istril(a) ## verify matrix is lower triangular
If you want upper triangular: instead of lower, just change the i<=j
to i>=j
Other random tools Note also functions like tril!(a)
which will convert in place a given matrix to lower triangular, replacing everything above the main diagonal with zeros. See the Julia documentation for more info on this function, as well as various other related tools.