
Trying to add karma to acts_as_votable

Im trying to add karma to acts_as_votable. Lost! Please help.

Basically I have a up/down vote working on the Articles.

I would like to add 1 to publishers karma each time their article is upvoted. (and subtract 1 when one is downvoted). So in a nutshell when someone votes on an article the article gets a vote and the publisher gets a karma point.

I have the voting of articles working just fine.

I followed this tutorial ( to try to implement adding karma to publishers when an article is voted on but I keep getting this error in the logs.

NoMethodError - undefined method `increase_karma' for #<Publisher:0x000001055d6f00>

I've run the migrations and restarted server multiple times.

In my Article Controller (Im also using friendly_id)

def upvote
  @article = Article.find_by_slug(params[:id])
  @article.upvote_by current_user
  respond_to do |format|
    format.html { redirect_to :back }
    format.js { render layout: false }

In my Publishers Controller

  def increase_karma(count=1)
    update_attribute(:karma, karma + count)

  def decrease_karma(count=1)
    update_attribute(:karma, karma - count)


  • The reason why Rails is throwing an error is because your Publisher Model doesn't have a increase_karma method.

    increase_karma and decrease_karma methods should be moved to the Publisher model from the Publisher Controller and it should eliminate the error.

      def increase_karma(count=1)
        update_attribute(:karma, karma + count)
      def decrease_karma(count=1)
        update_attribute(:karma, karma - count)