Automating psftp with bash/expect in cygwin.
I have a very minimal script file yftp.exp with code:
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
spawn psftp unixftpsrvr
expect "login as: "
send "myID\r"
expect "Password:"
send "Passw0rd\r"
expect "psftp>"
the output:
$ ./yftp.exp
spawn psftp unixftpsrvr
login as: myID
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
Enter your UDS
Password: Passw0rdRemote working directory is /home/myID
The password is printed out as clear text!!!
if I run the command directly with psftp. here are the output:
$ psftp unixftpsrvr
login as: myID
Enter your UDS Password:
Remote working directory is /home/myID
The password is not displayed at all.
This seems to be more an issue on the expect side.
I am not concerned the password in clear text in my expect script file, I am concerned the password in clear text in the output!
how can I supress the display of password in clear text?
The password may be sent too early before ECHO is turned off. So try adding sleep 1
after expect "Password:"
If that does not work then try like this:
expect "Password:"
log_user 0; # disable logging to stdout
send "password\r"
log_user 1