I'm trying to use Sidekiq to run the below job.
The job performs fine when not queued (perform_now) but fails when called as (perform_later), which uses Sidekiq.
AddEmployeesToRoomJob.perform_now room ## works fine
AddEmployeesToRoomJob.perform_later room ## breaks in Sidekiq
AddEmployeesToRoomJob JID-da24b13f405b1ece1212bbd5 INFO: fail: 0.003 sec
2016-08-20T14:57:16.645Z 19456 TID-owmym5fbk WARN: {"class":"ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::SidekiqAdapter::JobWrapper","wrapped" :"AddEmployeesToRoomJob","queue":"default","args": [{"job_class":"AddEmployeesToRoomJob","job_id":"0ba5bd30-e281-49a7-a93f- 6e50445183ac","queue_name":"default","priority":null,"arguments": [{"_aj_globalid":"gid://dragonfly/Room/1"}],"locale":"en"}],"retry":true, "jid":"da24b13f405b1ece1212bbd5","created_at":1471704675.739077,"enqueued _at":1471705036.6406531,"error_message":"Error while trying to deserialize arguments: Couldn't find Room with 'id'=1","error_class":"ActiveJob::DeserializationError","failed_at":14717 04675.946183,"retry_count":4,"retried_at":1471705036.644416}
2016-08-20T14:57:16.645Z 19456 TID-owmym5fbk WARN: ActiveJob::DeserializationError: Error while trying to deserialize arguments: Couldn't find Room with 'id'=1
2016-08-20T14:57:16.645Z 19456 TID-owmym5fbk WARN: /Users/tamlyn/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.3/gems/activerecord- `raise_record_not_found_exception!'
My Job class AddEmployeesToRoomJob < ApplicationJob queue_as :default
def perform(room)
employees = Employee.all
if employees.length > 0
employees.each do |employee|
UserRoom.create(user: employee, room: room)
My Thoughts I don't understand why it can't find the room which I'm passing into the perform method. It's as though it somehow loses that variable in the queueifying / JSONifying of the job?
The Sidekiq docs say
"Unfortunately this means that if the [Room] record is deleted after the job is enqueued but before the perform method is called, exception handling is different."
They suggest a workaround but I don't see how that would help me:
rescue_from ActiveJob::DeserializationError do |exception|
# handle a deleted user record
Thanks in advance for any help!
I don't think it is a good idea to pass the Room object into a Sidekiq worker. I've always passed the primary key for a database object and then re-queried. Try this.
AddEmployeesToRoomJob.perform_later room.id
def perform(room_id)
room = Room.find(room_id)
employees = Employee.all
if employees.length > 0
employees.each do |employee|
UserRoom.create(user: employee, room: room)