I am using gpath to parse xml. I want to pull the pass/fail values from the stat object. The problem I have had is that the objects are being grouped together. I cannot access them separately.
This is the data I am working with.
<stat fail="28" pass="10">Critical Tests</stat>
<stat fail="28" pass="10">All Tests</stat>
when checking what groovy sees in these objects
*printing (stats.size()) returns 1
printing (stats.stat['@pass]) returns 1010
to clarify stats is a gpath object at the level.
It appears to simply concatenate the two different "stats"
Here is the code i have right now.
def stats = robot.statistics.total
for (int i = 0; i < stats.size(); i++) {
if (stats[i].stat == "All Tests") {
println('i am here')
int totalPass = stats[i].stat['@pass']
int totalFail = stats[i].stat['@fail']
Consider the following example re: iterate over the stat
nodes (and compute the totals):
def xml = """
<stat fail="28" pass="10">Critical Tests</stat>
<stat fail="28" pass="10">All Tests</stat>
def robot = new XmlSlurper().parseText(xml)
int totalPass = 0
int totalFail = 0
robot.statistics.total.stat.each { statNode ->
println "processing: " + statNode.text()
totalPass += (statNode.@'pass'.text() as int)
totalFail += (statNode.@'fail'.text() as int)
println "totalPass: " + totalPass
println "totalFail: " + totalFail