I am trying to do an export of custom data which gets fed into DataTables in userfrosting. I have loaded the maatwebsite excel library using composer and the autoload_classmap.php was updated. In the controller I tried using the following:
Excel::create('master',function($excel) use($events){
$excel->sheet('Master List', function($sheet) use($events){
When I run this, I get the following error:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'UserFrosting\Excel' not found in /usr/www
I have looked at the laravel examples and tried them and they work with no problems. But I need this to work on userfrosting as the application is already and only missing the export.
I ended up leaving maatwebsite/excel
for phpoffice/phpexcel
which worked a bit quicker for me, I will attempt to get an answer to this question in the near future.