
Java single code base for desktop and mobile

Is there one or several java based technology that can help me write an application code base once (including Logic-Views-Controllers) and then compile and run it for all platforms including main desktop and mobile operating systems as well as in the browser. It must work and save in offline mode too so that it could sync with remote server as soon as it is connected to the internet. To me, it seems there must be a way if I use some sort of html/css/js technology to handle my views for such an application since I don't need fancy operating system dependent view technologies, and java for Logic and controllers. So far I have found Oracle ADF Mobile which seems to be commercial, eclipse RAP, eclipse scout .... But I look for something that covers Desktop as well. In addition if I can make the application run only in web browser, in case it would run and save in offline mode, it would be fine enough for me.


  • You could use Eclipse Scout for this with the following setup/limitations:

    Asking for a mobile solution in combination with Java will most likely put you in a messy situation, especially with the discontinuation of RoboVM

    Hint: The Scout team has started working on JS offline capability of the Scout UI. However, this is effort is still many months away from production quality (many parts/concepts still missing, not all parts open source, no documentation, etc.)

    Addition: You will have the same limitations with Eclipse RAP (needs a frontend server, only web based, hint: styling rap apps is hard).