I have a Pyramid app that I'm running on GAE. It works great most of the time but sometimes when I deploy (appcfg.py update ...
) things just break. I start getting 500s when I try to access the app. Then if I make absolutely no changes to my code and deploy it again it works. I want the deploy to work every time.
Here's the traceback:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/base/data/home/runtimes/python27/python27_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/runtime/wsgi.py", line 240, in Handle
handler = _config_handle.add_wsgi_middleware(self._LoadHandler())
File "/base/data/home/runtimes/python27/python27_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/runtime/wsgi.py", line 299, in _LoadHandler
handler, path, err = LoadObject(self._handler)
File "/base/data/home/runtimes/python27/python27_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/runtime/wsgi.py", line 85, in LoadObject
obj = __import__(path[0])
File "/base/data/home/apps/s~projectwaxed/1.395098752063981059/waxed_backend/__init__.py", line 11, in <module>
from pyramid.config import Configurator
File "libs/pyramid/config/__init__.py", line 73, in <module>
from pyramid.config.routes import RoutesConfiguratorMixin
File "libs/pyramid/config/routes.py", line 21, in <module>
import pyramid.config.predicates
File "libs/pyramid/config/predicates.py", line 15, in <module>
from pyramid.session import check_csrf_token
File "libs/pyramid/session.py", line 11, in <module>
from webob.cookies import SignedSerializer
ImportError: cannot import name SignedSerializer
Has anyone experienced this? Is there a known fix?
The problem was that I was pushing webob 1.6.1 to appengine while deploying my app. At the same time I had this in my app.yaml:
- name: webob
version: latest
What ended up working was just removing webob from app.yaml (I tried different versions supported by gae but no dice...)