
How to do BPEL,BPM deployment in JBoss AS7/EAP

Jboss says to deploy BPEL applications in Either EAP or AS7 servers. I could nt deploy BPEL applications in Any of those servers. When searched in google, Some posts says Switchyard is better to use for BPEL or BPM applications and its been aquired by JBoss and release by JBoss as JBossFuse. I tried JBossFuse as well, JBossFuse cannot detect BPEL or BPM applications either through Eclipse. I have tried WSO2 and it was better than JBoss servers. I would like to use JBoss stack of products as it is a big community. Can someone suggest which is best server to deploy BPEL or BPM applications in Jboss servers. Please provide links to download as well.


  • There was a trick with Jboss EAP 6.4 server not recognizing BPEL / BPM (Switchyard). When you install vanilla EAP 6.4 server , you wont have Fuse packages installed in it. They say you can work with fuse server, But fuse server wont be working as EAP server works from Eclipse(JBDS). So you need to install Fuse over your EAP server to recognize your BPEL/BPM or Swithyard applications.Check out below solution from Redhat website.
