
JAX-RPC com.sun.xml.rpc.client.BasicService Not Found

I'm trying to consume a JAX-RPC WSDL for first time.

I'm using Netbeans 8 and Java 1.7, I also include in my Project Libraries JAX-RPC (JWSDP 1.6) which includes jaxrpc-impl.jar (which includes com.sun.xml.rpc.client.BasicService)

But I'm getting the error from Netbeans using Tomcat:

    public class CalculoService_Impl extends com.sun.xml.rpc.client.BasicService implements CalculoService {

This class is a generated class from the wsdl file with Netbeans

Any idea will be very appreciated.


  • Ok, finally i got the answer

    The problem was that i have jaxrpc.jar duplicated in other project wich was into this new one, but other version without BasicService.

    I have replaced de library on the other project and everything works!