I have a schema in dynamodb as shown below, I am using Joi, Vogels and NodeJS
schema: {
email: Joi.string().email(),
item: Joi.array().items(Joi.object().keys({
a: Vogels.types.uuid(),
b: Joi.string(),
c: Joi.string(),
d: Joi.string().email()
I am trying to insert the following data in the table
var Obj = {
email: 'a@b.com',
item: [{
b: 'data',
c: 'some-data',
d: 'b@c.com'
I am using the below nodejs code to insert the data to table
Model.create(Obj, function(err, data) {
if (err){
return cb(err);
} else {
return cb(null,data);
I am getting the following error
errors.push(this.createError('object.child', { key, child: child.schema._getLabel(key), reason: result.errors }, localState, options));
TypeError: child.schema._getLabel is not a function
Can someone help me out or explain , why i am getting this error and how to fix it?
The problem is on the UUID field (i.e. attribute 'a'). I understand that vogels is supposed to generate the UUID automatically. However, there is no working example of automatic UUID value generation for non-key attributes though as per the document it should generate. It should work OK if you define a UUID for key attributes.
The below solution is a workaround to generate the UUID and assign the value to attribute 'a'.
1) Install the node-uuid module
node install node-uuid
2) Add the requires:-
var nodeUUID = require('node-uuid');
3) Change the object as mentioned below:-
var Obj = {
email : 'abc@b.com',
item : [ {
a : nodeUUID.v1(),
b : 'data',
c : 'some-data',
d : 'b@c.com'
} ]
You should be able to insert an item successfully. I have tested it and works ok.