
Putting Freetypefont into libgdx skin

In my uiskin.json I have this { default-font: { file: text/default.fnt } }

This is fine for when I have the default.fnt in my text folder in the assets folder...

However I want to use a Freetypefont.

How do I create a Freetypefont and load it into the uiskin file?


  • Update

    Thanks to a comment from Jos van Egmond telling me how to do this and still load the Skin from the AssetManager I have decided to update the answer. The old answer (and the alternative way of doing this) still remains untouched below.

    The new procedure goes like this:

    The code might look something like this:

    /* Load your fonts */
    load font1...
    load font2...
    /* Create the ObjectMap and add the fonts to it */
    ObjectMap<String, Object> fontMap = new ObjectMap<String, Object>();
    fontMap.put("font1", font1);
    fontMap.put("font2", font2);
    /* Create the SkinParameter and supply the ObjectMap to it */
    SkinParameter parameter = new SkinParameter(fontMap);
    /* Load the skin as usual */
    assetManager.load("file/location/of/your/skin", Skin.class, parameter);


    The current accepted answer is actually (kind of) incorrect. This blog post describes a way for you to reference generated BitmapFonts in your Json file. The procedure goes something like this:

    The code might look something like this:

    // Create a new skin using the default constructor and
    // add your fonts to it.
    Skin skin = new Skin();
    skin.add("myFont", myFont, BitmapFont.class);
    // Remember that this texture atlas is NOT automatically disposed by the skin, 
    // so keep a reference and dispose of it yourself.
    skin.addRegion(new TextureAtlas("file/location/of/your/atlas");

    You can now do something like this in your skin Json:

    font: "myFont",

    Although this is a workaround this also means that you cannot (at least I haven't found a way to) load your skin through an AssetManager. You can still load the TextureAtlas through the manager though.