
How add element to collection using Thymeleaf

In my Spring/Thymeleaf/Hibernate project I need ability add element to field (which is List<>) of my editing object. How I an make it, since embedded are not allowed?

Something like that:

public class Recipe {
    private int id;

    private String name;
    private String description;
    private List<String> steps;

And my thymeleaf template:

<form th:action="@{|/save/${}|}" method="post" th:object="${recipe}">

<input type="hidden" th:field="${}" th:value="${}"/>
<input type="text" th:field="${}" th:value="${}"/>
<input type="text" th:field="${recipe.description}" th:value="${recipe.description}"/>

<input th:each="step : ${recipe.steps}" type="text" th:field="${step}" th:value="${step}"/>
<!-- And here I want make ability add new step element to List<String> steps -->

How to make it, not losing already edited data of Recipe object? Add using <form> and <button type="submit">? Or just using <a href>? How can I not lose entered data then?


  • Well, found solution, sure not ideal, but it works. Added field to my class (it will be flag, what we should do in endpoint of form-action-url: add step to List and redirect to edit again or just save. And form have 2 submit buttons: and , changes flag field to "step" by JavaScrypt, so I will know I have add element to List and redirect back. JavaScrypt:

    <script type="text/javascript">
        function toggleAddedStep()
            document.getElementById("recipeAddedFlag").value = "step";
        function toggleAddedNothing()
            document.getElementById("recipeAddedFlag").value = "";