
What are the crucial key items in recording technical debt?

I'm setting up a technical debt register at The Office and want to make it a fairly comprehensive tool.

What are the key pieces of information that we should be recording?


  • First of all - you want to keep your register very simple, otherwise the overhead of maintaining the register will stop people from using it and waste more time than actually fixing the technical debt it was meant to solve.....

    If you still decide to go ahead, I'd suggest keeping a simple register which is a flat file / simple database / Google spreadsheet with the following fields:

    Rules are as follows:

    I think this approach will create a good dynamic overall - developers have a responsibility to be transparent and think about how to solve technical debt, project managers / business leads have to make the trade-offs but it is clear that the costs of debt are their responsibility, the best developers and architects will get kudos for completing the tough projects while also keeping technical debt under control.