
Convert a list of dictionaries into a set of dictionaries

How can i make a set of dictionaries from one list of dictionaries?


import copy

v1 = {'k01': 'v01', 'k02': {'k03': 'v03', 'k04': {'k05': 'v05'}}}
v2 = {'k11': 'v11', 'k12': {'k13': 'v13', 'k14': {'k15': 'v15'}}}

data = []
N = 5
for i in range(N):

print data

How would you create a set of dictionaries from the list data?

NS: One dictionary is equal to another when they are structurally the same. That means, they got exactly the same keys and same values (recursively)


  • A cheap workaround would be to serialize your dicts, for example:

    import json
    dset = set()
    d1 = {'a':1, 'b':{'c':2}}
    d2 = {'b':{'c':2}, 'a':1} # the same according to your definition
    d3 = {'x': 42}
    dset.add(json.dumps(d1, sort_keys=True))
    dset.add(json.dumps(d2, sort_keys=True))
    dset.add(json.dumps(d3, sort_keys=True))
    for p in dset:
        print json.loads(p) 

    In the long run it would make sense to wrap the whole thing in a class like SetOfDicts.