
Mybb noCaptcha reCaptcha not working on server but working on localhost

Recently I installed MyBB on my web server and for stop spam, I also configured Google noCaptcha reCaptcha.

The problem here was, When I tried to register on the forum, It says An error occurred with the human verification. Please try again.

Anyway I, I tried two three-time to register but Can't register the same problem comes again and again.

I installed the same MyBB script on my local server by using Xampp and there captcha working fine on it. I checked the privet key and public key well, Everything seems good.

I already ran Vanilla Forum on the same server and worked with noCaptcha reCaptcha. On Vanilla Forum its worked but on MyBB its not.

Please help me to get out from this problem.

My site address which causing the problem is :


  • There is an issues with the your php version OR php modules, Please check your php modules (TTF) and install all modules which are install on your localhost.