
Windows Defender Real Time Protection Service slowing down Visual Studio etc

Since past two months or so I have been observing a strange phenomenon with the Real Time Protection Service that comes bundled in as a part of Windows Defender on Windows 10.

When this service is set to ON Visual Studio builds take an excruciatingly long time to complete. Visual Studio itself takes forever to launch. Further if there are managed add-ins (written using Visual Studio Tools For Office, VSTO) installed in Outlook, Outlook takes 13-14 seconds to launch! When this service is disabled Outlook again launches within two seconds or so.

I have raised this on Twitter with Windows Support and tried discussing this online with Microsoft Support for an hour without any resolution. Looking around the internet I can see there are users who are reporting same problems such as

Slow page refresh times during development

I have been noticing this for only two months or so. I have tried spinning up new VMs in Azure etc. to test this and in every instance I have noticed this Real TIme Protection Service to be the culprit. My main issue is the Outlook Add In load time to be honest.

I tried posting this on Microsoft answer's site here but so far no luck. I was hoping if anyone here knows how to get this resolved without adding exception for Outlook in Real Time Protection Service (after which the add-ins load as expected within 200 milliseconds).


  • I had the same symptoms and my problem was fixed by disabling logs in Microsoft .Net Framework Assembly Binding Log Viewer (FUSLOGVW.exe). I forgot that I was running a test and left logging on.

    1. Run the viewer as administrator.
    2. Click Settings button.
    3. Check Log Disabled