I'm new to nodeJS and faye / websockets .
Made a datatable with webix and i want to make a live update to it.
Right now trying to make it with Faye , but not quite sure what should i do after faye sends me a request that looks like that :
and gets a respones :
On the server ( NodeJS ) i have the following code :
var http = require("http"),
faye = require("faye");
var server = http.createServer(function (request, response) {
//Here i have some code for the CRUD operations for the webix Datatable
bayeux = new faye.NodeAdapter({ mount: '/faye', timeout: 45 });
server.listen(1212, function () {
console.log("\r\n" + new Date() + "\n -->> HTTP Server listens to Port 1212 <<--\r\n ");
on the client side ( JS ) :
webix.proxy.faye.client = new Faye.Client("//localhost:1212/faye");
webix.proxy.faye.clientId = webix.uid(); // unique client id
<script type="text/javascript" src="//localhost:1212/faye/client.js"></script>
( Took preatty much everything from webix examples + faye examples )
Maybe someone can explain me what to do next , or give a link where i can read more about Websockets and how to work with them.
Thank you for your time.
After you have configured faye on the client and on the server side, you can use it as a datasource for any component
view: "datatable",
url: "faye->/data",
save: "faye->/data"
Beware that faye is used only for syncing data between clients, it will not load or save data to the real database