I cloned official angular 2.0 quick start project and tried to add a side-navigation panel. I created a simple component which contains the following:
export class AppComponent {
menuVisible: boolean = false;
toggleVisible() { this.menuVisible = !this.menuVisible; }
And simple template (pug):
side-navigation([class.visible]="menuVisible === true")
div(*ngIf="!menuVisible", (click)="toggleVisible()", style="cursor: pointer; font-size:1vw") ☰
But when I've tried to test this component I get weird issue: Sometimes I click the open side panel button in Google Chrome (just for example this issue does not depend on any browser), I see that side-navigation bar opens in another browser (Edge). I don't know how to fix it. Is it my problem or some kind of bug?
That the browsersync feature of your server.
See also