
R error: Incorrect number of dimensions

I have some categorical data showing plant family, fruit type, fruit colour, and seed dispersal, where the response variable (Dispersal) is either 0 for no or 1 for yes.

             FAMILY FRUIT_TYPE COLOUR_RF Dispersal
3   Erythroxylaceae          D         R         1
4         Lamiaceae          D         G         1
8        Clusiaceae          D         Y         1
12       Clusiaceae          D         Y         1
16        Myrtaceae          D         R         1
19        Rubiaceae          D         R         0
22    Anacardiaceae          D        Br         1
25  Melastomataceae          D         R         1
29         Moraceae          F         Y         1
32         Moraceae          F        Br         1
35         Fabaceae          C        Br         1
37        Lauraceae          D        PG         1
39      Sapindaceae          D        Br         1
41        Myrtaceae          D         R         1
43         Moraceae          D         G         1
45       Clusiaceae          D         Y         1
51         Moraceae          F         Y         1
52        Lauraceae          D         R         0
54        Rubiaceae          D         Y         0
57    Euphorbiaceae          D        PY         0
75  Dichapetalaceae          D         Y         1
83         Moraceae          F         R         1
86        Myrtaceae          D         Y         1
91       Solanaceae          D         Y         1
94      Myrsinaceae          D         Y         1
98      Connaraceae          D         O         1
101       Ochnaceae          C         R         1
104      Proteaceae          D        Br         0
107      Clusiaceae          D         R         1
114      Clusiaceae          D         P         1
116      Clusiaceae          D         P         1
119     Smilacaceae          D         R         1
124     Apocynaceae          D         Y         1
129     Apocynaceae          D        Br         1
138     Icacinaceae          D         Y         0
141        Moraceae          D         Y         1
144     Myrsinaceae          D         R         0
147  Pittosporaceae          D         O         1
150     Sapindaceae          C         O         1
154        Fabaceae          C         Y         1
158     Aphloiaceae          C         W         1
169    Celastraceae          D         O         1
176        Oleaceae          D         P         0
179       Rubiaceae          D         Y         0
182       Meliaceae          D         R         0
186     Apocynaceae          C        PY         1
188      Salicaceae          D         R         1
192     Burseraceae          D        Br         0
195         Araceae          D         Y         0
198       Rubiaceae          D         P         1
202        Rutaceae          D         O         1
206 Torrecilliaceae          D        PY         0
214       Arecaceae          D        PY         1
220        Rutaceae          D        PY         0
223       Rubiaceae          D        DR         0
230       Rubiaceae          D         B         0
237      Clusiaceae          D         Y         1
244     Myrsinaceae          D         R         1
247 Melastomataceae          D         R         0
250    Aquifoliacea          D         R         1
260       Marsaceae          D         W         1
263        Vitaceae          D        DR         0
266       Lamiaceae          D         B         0
278    Hypericaceae          D         O         1
281     Cannelaceae          D         Y         0
283       Rubiaceae          D         R         1
289      Sapotaceae          D        Br         1
293       Lauraceae          D         R         0
343     Sapindaceae          D         O         0
344       Lauraceae          D         P         0
362      Clusiaceae          D        Gr         1
366   Anacardiaceae          D        Br         1
370       Lauraceae          D         P         1
374       Lauraceae          D         R         0
399       Lauraceae          D         R         0
405       Lauraceae          D         R         0

I am performing binomial GLMs and am using the MuMIn package to 'dredge' a global model.

Global<-glm(Dispersal~FAMILY+COLOUR_RF+FRUIT_TYPE+COLOUR_RF*FRUIT_TYPE+COLOUR_RF*FAMILY, family=binomial(link="logit"), na.action="na.fail", data=test1.3)

When I try to plot the most significant model based on AICc weight (as I have done many times before with other iterations), I get the warning error:


Fixed term is "(Intercept)"
Warning messages:
1: glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred 
2: glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred 
3: glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred 
4: glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred 
5: glm.fit: algorithm did not converge 
6: glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred 
7: glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred 
8: glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred 
9: glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred 

par(mar = c(5,5,14,5))
plot(subset(x, delta <2), labAsExpr = T, xlab=c("Predictor Variables for 'P. edwardsi' Dispersal"), ylab=c(expression(paste("Model Number by Cumulative Akaike Weight ", (omega) ))))

"Error in pal[, 1L + ((i - 1L)%%npal)] : incorrect number of dimensions"

Does anyone know why this is occurring? I have used the same code for many other iterations (i.e. changing the response variable) and have had no previous issues.


  • This is the output of the top of the str() call on the object you are sending to plot():

    > xsub <- subset(x, delta <2)
    > str(xsub)
    Classes ‘model.selection’ and 'data.frame': 1 obs. of  11 variables:
     $ (Intercept)         : num 17.6
     $ COLOUR_RF           : Factor w/ 1 level "+": NA
     $ FAMILY              : Factor w/ 1 level "+": NA
     $ FRUIT_TYPE          : Factor w/ 1 level "+": 1
     $ COLOUR_RF:FAMILY    : Factor w/ 1 level "+": NA
     $ COLOUR_RF:FRUIT_TYPE: Factor w/ 1 level "+": NA
     $ df                  : int 3
     $ logLik              : num -44.3
     $ AICc                : num 94.8
     $ delta               : num 0
     $ weight              : num 1

    I suspect you have simply made a restrictive call that doesn't provide as much information as needed for the plotting function to do any useful work. Using subset(x, delta <5) succeeds.