
Twain driver concurrent requests

It's possible to use one twain driver to manage concurrent request to two different multifunction printer?

I mean, if I have two MFPs , can I do two scan request in paralel using the same twain driver?


  • It depends on if your driver supports it.

    From the TWAIN Spec page 125: If an application attempts to connect to a Source that only supports a single connection when the source is already opened, the Source should respond with TWRC_FAILURE and TWCC_MAXCONNECTIONS.

    Also from the spec on page 212: The Source is responsible for managing this, not the Source Manager (the Source Manager does not know in advance how many connections the Source will support).

    I tested this with a Fujitsu fi-7260 scanner and got the TWCC_MAXCONNECTIONS error with Twacker:

    Screenshot of twacker select source dialog

    Screenshot of twacker error