I have a pdf element that I am returning as a string base64 element since it is an MVC Web Application and the files live on a server. I am currently using PDFObject and pdf.js to try and view this PDF in the browser. However, I seem unable to display the PDF, unless I pass a url, which won't work when I put this application in IIS on a server.
So is there a way to have my embedded pdf with the src="{my base 64 string}, and then wrap the PDFObject around that? If not, is there a way, via PDFObject, to use a base64 string instead of a url?
Also, this is in IE 11
UPDATE Here is my controller
public ActionResult GetPDFString(string instrumentType, string booktype, string book, string startpage, string EndPage)
LRS_Settings settings = ctxLRS.LRS_Settings.FirstOrDefault();
string root = settings.ImagePathRoot;
string state = settings.State;
string county = settings.County;
g_filePath = @"\\\Imaging\GA\075\Daily\" + instrumentType + "\\" + book + "\\";
//g_filePath = @"\\\sup_court\Imaging\GA\075\Daily\" + instrumentType + "\\" + book + "\\";
byte[] file = imgConv.ConvertTifToPDF(g_filePath, booktype, book, startpage, EndPage);
var ms = new MemoryStream(file);
var fsResult = new FileStreamResult(ms, "application/pdfContent");
return fsResult;
//return imgConv.ConvertTifToPDF(g_filePath, booktype, book, startpage, EndPage);
Here is my jquery
var options = {
pdfOpenParams: {
navpanes: 1,
toolbar: 0,
statusbar: 0,
pagemode: 'none',
pagemode: "none",
page: 1,
zoom: "page-width",
enableHandToolOnLoad: true
forcePDFJS: true,
PDFJS_URL: "/PDF.js/web/viewer.html"
PDFObject.embed("@Url.Action("GetPDFString", "DocumentView", new { instrumentType = ViewBag.instrumentType, BookType = Model.BookType, Book = ViewBag.Book, StartPage = ViewBag.StartPage, EndPage = ViewBag.endPage, style = "height:100%; width100%;" })", "#PDFViewer", options);
The problem is now, instead of showing the PDF inside of #PDFViewer, it is trying to download the file. Could someone please assist me on the final piece to the puzzle. This is driving me crazy.
Have you tried to use just the standard html to do this instead? Controller Action
public ActionResult GetAttachment(string instrumentType, string booktype, string book, string startpage, string EndPage)
var fileStream = new FileStream(Server.MapPath("~/Content/files/sample.pdf"),
var fsResult = new FileStreamResult(fileStream, "application/pdf");
return fsResult;
In your view
<div id="PDFViewer">
<embed src="@Url.Action("GetAttachment", "DocumentView", new { instrumentType = ViewBag.instrumentType, BookType = Model.BookType, Book = ViewBag.Book, StartPage = ViewBag.StartPage, EndPage = ViewBag.endPage })" width="100%" height="100%" type="application/pdf"></embed>
Would this suit your requirements rather than using PDFObject?