
PocketSphinx on Android setKeywordThreshold() issue

I would like to lower the threshold via setKeywordThreshold() method. The default value of this in the official demo app is 1e-45. I was told that the minimal value could be 1e-200. See this article: https://sourceforge.net/p/cmusphinx/discussion/help/thread/05d09693/?limit=25

So, I tried to set it to be 1e-150, but the Android Studio complained that the threshold value should be in type "float", not "double".

Can anybody tell me how to set it up to lower than 1e-45? Thanks!


  • This was an issue in older versions, which one are you using? The type of argument was changed from float to double in setFloat method, so you can use 1e-200 there safely.

    You can also use kws list file with setKws without the need to pass threshold through API.