
Test automation of web services, web API (soapui)

Perhaps, someone has already encountered the test automation of web services, API, and can tell how to configure and make it in a best simple way. If there is something different, better and more convenient than SOAP UI for this purpose, please also share your experiences and knowledge. Unfortunately, I have no experience in such testing at this point of time.

What I need: easy of use, configuration and support. Visualization of the test run process is not needed, it would be awesome to have a good performance and stability instead.

A web service that I'd like to automate: product web API. Beck-end is written on C#. The front-end part of the Web API is accessible through swagger. Requests: GET, POST.

What I would like to automate in the very beginning: sending parameterized GET / POST requests, receiving the responses, and checking whether the data is still in place and correct.

More details how to I use the API to retrieve the data (manually):

In a picture:

Obtaining the data in web API (for one particular option and for one language localization):


  • I think Postman along with newman would suit your need. It is similar to SOAP UI but is very easy to create automated tests with support for environment configurations. They can be easily integrated into CI process. I have used it in the past to automate integration tests with TeamCity.

    Some useful links:

