
Strange characters in PHP Composer and Laravel installer output - Windows 10 CMD

I have this problem on Windows 10 -- PHP Composer showing strange characters.

php composer screenshot

I have tried to install ansicon as suggested here and it solved the problem but then if I try to use terminal in JetBrains PhpStorm it's crashing...

Maybe I need to fix it without that ansicon but I can't find how.

I have this problem only on my Laptop -- on my Desktop it's working perfectly fine. They both have Windows 10 and PHP + Composer at the latest versions.


  • I had the same problem, friend.

    Have you tried PowerShell? Only if you didn't notice, but it is also available on Github now:

    PHP Composer on PowerShell

    I think the problem is that the common Windows terminal does not support the ANSI/VT100 colors.

    Check this old thread: How to make win32 console recognize ANSI/VT100 escape sequences?

    Hope this helps.