My question is a specification of how can i validate username password for mongodb authentication through pymongo?.
I'm trying to connect to a MongoDB instance using PyMongo 3.2.2 and a URL that contains the user and password, as explained in MongoDB Docs. The difference is that the password I'm using contains a '@'.
At first I simply tried to connect without escaping, like this:
prefix = 'mongodb://'
user = 'user:passw_with_@_'
suffix = '@'
conn = pymongo.MongoClient(prefix + user + suffix)
Naturally I got the following error:
InvalidURI: ':' or '@' characters in a username or password must be escaped according to RFC 2396.
So I tried escaping the user:pass part using urllib.quote() like this:
prefix = 'mongodb://'
user = urllib.quote('user:passw_with_@_')
suffix = '@'
conn = pymongo.MongoClient(prefix + user + suffix)
but then I got a:
OperationFailure: Authentication failed.
(Important to say that using a GUI MongoDB Management Tool (Robomongo, if that matters) I'm able to connect to the MongoDB using the (real) address and credentials.)
Printing user variable in the code above generated a 'user:passw_with_%40_'
String (that is '@' became '%40') and according to wikipedia that's the expected escaping.
I even tried escaping the @ with single and double backslashes (user = 'user:passw_with_\\@_'
and user = 'user:passw_with_\@_'
), but those failed with the InvalidURI exception.
My question is: How do I escape a '@' in the password part of a MongoDB URL?
You should be able to escape the password using urllib.quote()
. Although you should only quote/escape the password, and exclude the username:
otherwise the :
will also be escaped into %3A
For example:
import pymongo
import urllib
mongo_uri = "mongodb://username:" + urllib.parse.quote("p@ssword") + "@"
client = pymongo.MongoClient(mongo_uri)
The above snippet was tested for MongoDB v3.2.x and PyMongo v3.2.2.
The example above assumed in the MongoDB URI connection string:
running on is (localhost)mongod
assigned to is 27001