
row number for each table row created by dir-paginate angularJs

How can set row number for each table row created by dir-paginate angularJs. I use two way code but two way have incorrect and set error.

First way :

    <tr dir-paginate='customer in Customers| itemsPerPage: 10'>

    var app = angular.module('customerApp', ['angularUtils.directives.dirPagination']);
    app.controller('customer', ['$scope', '$http',  function($scope, $http){
        $scope.rowNum = 1;

Second way :

<tr dir-paginate='customer in Customers| itemsPerPage: 10'>

    var app = angular.module('customerApp', ['angularUtils.directives.dirPagination']);
    app.controller('customer', ['$scope', '$http',  function($scope, $http){
        $scope.rowNum = 1;
        $scope.getRowNum = function(){
            return ++$scope.rowNum;

Why i can't increment $scope.rowNum from function and ng-bind ?


  • I think {{$index+1}} should work

    image with index + pagination -> {{(currentPage-1)*pageSize +$index+1}} enter image description here