opengl ver: opengl es 1.x platform: iphone
The blending equation:
(Rs Sr + Rd Dr, Gs Sg + Gd Dg, Bs Sb + Bd Db, As Sa + Ad Da)
How does it work? I don't understand if I set both src and des to GL_ONE, and I have src color red (255,0,0) and des color black (0,0,0), the result will be (0,0,0)
Can someone explain how the equation work, or maybe show some calculation.
if you set src and dst to GL_ONE, you will not get black.
The result is (Rs + Rd, Gs + Gd, Bs + Bd)
(as Sr = Sg = Sb = Dr = Dg = Db = 1)
Which in your case of (255,0.0) and (0,0,0) will give (255,0,0).